Futures Market Information
Columbus Day – half-holidays not worth half the effort
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The truth about E-mini S&P tick charts changes as of October 4th!
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What will the changes proposed in the financial markets mean for our trading? Part three of my series “May you live in interesting times”
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Is the money in your futures account safe? Part one of my series “May you live in interesting times”
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“Often wrong, never in doubt”, ancient Quinto family motto
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Speculators are the cause of the run-up in oil prices! – Who knew?
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VIX plummets – FOMC Wednesday – May Day Thursday – Oh My!
Generally, I am against being negative on the market. After all, the best days come at the oddest times. However, this week may be an exception.
First, the VIX (the CBOE’s volatility index) has spent most of the year in the high twenties and was over thirty in early March. Today, the VIX dropped below 20. This is less volatility than we have had since last summer. Read the rest of this entry »
Easter Monday – holidays you ever heard of
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Days that deserve to be taken off
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