Friends of Interconti Limited get the $1,295 Foundations of Futures for $995
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Jeff Quinto’s new Foundations of Futures 12-part video course is designed to dramatically help:
- Newer traders looking to start their professional futures trading career in the most efficient manner; and
- Struggling traders looking to move from frustration toward trading success.
Jeff has been called “America’s Preeminent Futures Trading Mentor“. For the first time, he offers you the benefit of his 37 years of successful futures trading expertise in a 12-video course so that you can learn at your own speed in your own time at a fraction of the one-on-one charge to work with Jeff individually.
The 12 videos include:
Four Steps to Success in Futures Trading - Success starts with a mindset. We start by establishing that mindset as well as how to set yourself up for success.
The why and how of using a futures trading simulator – The trading simulator should be an important tool in starting your career as a professional trader. Learn how to use it to your maximum advantage.
My Theory of Trading – Jeff explains his personal Theory of Trading to help guide you to your own. You may decide to use Jeff’s theory as your starting point.
Develop a customized trading plan using Jeff’s Trading Plan Template – The Trading Plan including specific setups will be given to you in a clear, understandable fashion. From this day, forward, you will have your own professional Trading Plan.
Setting up your charts to execute the trade setups from your new Trading Plan – Jeff shows you exactly how he sets up his charts and how he uses them to signal the setups he shows you.
The Method to My Madness – Jeff’s Five Steps – Jeff explains the step-by-step process that this course envisions in helping you go from a new and unsure trader to a confident professional, one step at a time.
Immediately and profoundly – A good trade works immediately and profoundly. See how this mindset can help you advance in your trading.
Programming Confidence – Learn how to program yourself for success even before you attain that success.
Grading Your Trading – Learn how to monitor your progress and how to grow from an “F” trader to an “A” trader one grade at a time.
The Eight Steps to Success in Futures Trading – Lastly, you will learn what you will need to do to become the long term success in trading that you want.
For a limited time, the $1,295 Foundations of Futures12-video course will be $995. This is a $300 savings. Also, included is 3 months of Full Access Membership in, a $150 value.
For further information, e-mail or call +1-312-685-5333.