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Posted By Robert Schmid On April 21, 2009 @ 1:13 pm In | No Comments

John B’s description of his experience working with Jeff

Just to let you know, I am totally rejuvenated now. MY mindset has changed 180 degrees on some money management concepts I always steadfastly resisted before. My “contrarianism” was useful for me before to build total confidence and self reliance in my scalping strategies. But now I clearly recognize the need for much more intelligent structuring of risk control as a higher priority than I gave to it previously. The bonus I now see for my strategizing, is that the improved structure facilitates much better “bang for the buck” in terms of potential for every contract I put on.

Also, it opens up the advantages of trading other contracts, such as the Russell, Dow, and Dax. Now I evaluate my plan for any market with the emphasis on how to work the money management, with totally different possibilities emerging from the entry exit parameters.

Although I came to you primarily to find ways to better define risk, and to grow in capability for advantages of more profitable position sizing, I am finding that your mentoring has benefited all the other aspects of my trading—-strategies, precision, aggressiveness, limits to risk, better gain per contract and per trade, and so on down the list. The biggest bonus is, it seems to have opened up a flood of creativity and a freedom from “ruts”. 

It is quite remarkable for me to see all the effects from the process you facilitate so effortlessly and skillfully. But now as I experience it, it all makes sense. You are like a rock, grounded in the most important principles which ensure intelligent trading. So no matter what I could throw at you, you could always logically frame my perspectives against the back drop of simple trade management principles.

Little by little I started to see a vastly expanded set of variables as a framework for my own good and bad habits in trading. Somehow, out of this process, it becomes much easier to just drop anything which is too questionable in its value.

It appears you are really good at guiding the horse to the vicinity of the water, but instead of trying to make him drink, this horse can’t wait to dive in the water. That reflects great teachership. Because most likely anyone could tell me (probably like most traders) anything, but I would never get it, unless I work through it for my own conviction. Your skill and experience mentoring, drawing out the discoveries, seems to result in the effortless accomplishment of all the objectives.

Thank you so much for your wonderful guidance, support, and sharing of so much. I am looking forward to great things to report in my progress and further work together down the road.

Article printed from Futures Trading and Professional Mentoring: http://www.professionaltradermentoring.com

URL to article: http://www.professionaltradermentoring.com/testimonials/john-b/

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